Friday, October 10, 2008

Those digital pirates...

Just found all of my CD's being pirated online... kind of timely as I just finished reading a book called "Pirates of the Digital Millenium". The thing is, it's hard to be angry as digital content is so easily pirated, swapped, downloaded, etc...


It's still 'stealing'. Stealing from the identity that owns the copyright - and for my music CD's, of course, thats' ME!  I do rely on income from my music, and I put a lot of time, effort (and money) into creating it. I'd like to be compensated fairly for it. I don't think downloaders realize that there is a real-world impact on what they're doing... I've asked that the music be removed from their 'free' service, but who knows if it will. I can file a claim under the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act), but there are no assurances it will help. For now, we must rely on the good nature of others...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.