Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December, 2008

This is the time of year that it's difficult to catch your breath. You know what I'm talking about. Holiday shopping. Traffic. Things to do. Places to go. We sometimes lose sight of today. Now. Right this second.

Gurdjieff - a brilliant Russian mystic of the first half of the 20th century - had an exercise that he used with his pupils to help them focus and engage in the present moment - it was the "Stop" exercise. Whenever he sensed that one of his students were mindlessly doing their work, he would yell "Freeze". The student would have to stop in their tracks and freeze. They'd stay in that position until they found sudden clarity - almost like 'remembering' they were alive. "Remember yourself!" Gurdjieff would say "your life depends upon it!"...

I find this exercise especially useful this time of year (althouth, I avoid yelling "Freeze!" and standing like a zombie whenever possible). It's almost like looking at yourself from the outside. It's easy - and only takes several moments. You're in line at the store - restless kids in front, anxious buyers in back. Stop. Remember yourself. You're in your car, stuck in holiday traffic. Stop. Remember yourself. You're stressed about bills, gifts to buy, what to wear to the holiday party -- Stop. Remember yourself. 

Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution - to try even harder to "be there". Right now. This second.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Those digital pirates...

Just found all of my CD's being pirated online... kind of timely as I just finished reading a book called "Pirates of the Digital Millenium". The thing is, it's hard to be angry as digital content is so easily pirated, swapped, downloaded, etc...


It's still 'stealing'. Stealing from the identity that owns the copyright - and for my music CD's, of course, thats' ME!  I do rely on income from my music, and I put a lot of time, effort (and money) into creating it. I'd like to be compensated fairly for it. I don't think downloaders realize that there is a real-world impact on what they're doing... I've asked that the music be removed from their 'free' service, but who knows if it will. I can file a claim under the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act), but there are no assurances it will help. For now, we must rely on the good nature of others...